This Bulletin is from October 1st, 2006

October 2006

Dear Friends of German Comedy,

German comedy is going from strength to strength.

This October will not only see the 16th anniversary of German Unity but also the third anniversary of my appointment as German Comedy Ambassador to The United Kingdom. Ill therefore provide German jolliness at the Hen and Chickens Theatre this Thursday, Friday and Saturday (5/6/7). It would be great to see you there. Please find details below.

If you cant make it you must my first-ever DVD. It has a total running time of 78 minutes and 32 seconds. Click here to find out more.

Thats enough marketing for one month.lets get down to serious business.
September went off to the worst of starts when Michael Schumacher announced his retirement from Formula 1. He will forever race in the hearts and souls of the German people though. Danke fr alles!

Talking of God: Pope Benedikt XVI. got into the doghouse for his lecture at Regensburg University, in which he did or did not imply that Islam is a violent religion. Some Islamic hardliners didnt lose too much time analysing the Popes words in detail but took immediately to the streets protesting their innocence. By burning churches and shooting a nun. Benedikts main problem seems to be that people can actually understand what he is saying whilst his predecessors mutterings were anybodys guess.

Septembers most sensational piece of news was brought to us by BBCs Panorama programme. Some characters in football are shady. Dont say. Next week: Bears shit in the woods.

But its a real shame that Sam Allardyce didnt get the England job. Imagine the scenario: The BBC would have used English licence payers money to pay Knut auf dem Berge, a German undercover reporter, for trying to damage the England managers reputation beyond repair. We would be talking the mother of all own goals.

Have a great month full of work.
Auf Wiedersehen!

Solo shows on 5/6/7 October, 9.30pm
Where: Hen & Chickens Theatre, 109 St Paul’s Road, N1 2NA
Nearest tube: Highbury
Tickets: 6 + 1 membership fee
Booking by phone 02077042001 or send an email to

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