Dear Friends of German Comedy,
Now that Barack Obama’s inauguration has officially ended racism in the Western World it required someone as socially aware as Prince Harry to single-handedly keep everyone at the Commission for Racial Equity and all the other outlets of the burgeoning British race industry in a job. His achievement was even more impressive considering a) the state of the economy and b) the ease with which the third in line to the throne achieved this feat – with a wayward remark on a homevideo. King material, him!
Talking of black despots: did anybody else not know who to support when Robert Mugabe’s wife beat up a paparazzi, that most useless of creatures, on a recent trip to HongKong? In an ideal world Joey Barton or the local police would have turned up and knocked the living daylights out of both parties before not establishing the facts.
Another Brit (well, I say ‘another’….) who excelled in January was Kate Winslet who won a Golden Globe for her role in The Reader. Ever spiteful Ricky Gervais tried to put her success down simply to the film’s subject matter – the holocaust. Nonsense! In my personal experience mentioning the holocaust doesn’t win trophies. If anything it has cost me awards.
Have a good month