This Bulletin is from September 30th, 2011

September 2011

Dear Friends of German Comedy,

I hope you’re all enjoying the sunshine without compromising your duties.
Let’s start with a technicality: this is the September newsletter. The October one is still to come.

I’m terribly behind with everything as I have been busy flat-hunting. The search process was unduly prolonged by me not knowing my place.

Initially I was looking for a flat in Farringdon. Until I realized Zone1 accommodation is exclusively for two groups of people, millionaires and people on benefits. As I’m neither, I have had to stay put on the outskirts of Tooting, not without schlepping everything from one end of the village to the other via the local branch of Safestorage.

Mind you, Zone 1 rent prices are almost moderate compared to Zone 1 cinema prices. Tickets for Leicester Square Odeon are a staggering £16! Sixteen smackers to watch stuff on a big telly is unheard off since the end of hyperinflation in 1920s Germany. And we all know what that ultimately led to – even less available property in Central London.

But let’s leave the scaremongering to the experts: Eurosceptics on radio phone-ins.

Yes, Greece is still bust. And no, I don’t understand how being on strike is helping matters either but let’s be honest; the macro-economic difference between Greek civil servants behind their desks or outside the building on strike is negligible. Staying indoors is never anything more than a nice gesture of them.

What does get to me is the stupid debate as to why Germany doesn’t leave the Euro since we constantly have to bail everybody out.

It’s the exact same reason why London and the South-East don’t leave the Pound Sterling despite financing everyone north of Cambridge: we’re too small.

The sooner everyone understands that no European country is big enough to be a match for China and India, the better.

Size DOES matter and that’s why we need a United Europe! And it must be speaking with one voice! Ideally a German one.

Have a great September – I hope I’m not revealing too much but the last few days of the month will be real scorchers!


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